Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Need color on my plate!

Take the brussels sprout off the stalk.

Cauliflower wants a steaming demanding!

Cut butternut squash in chunks. On to a cookie sheet lined
with foil. Add oil, salt & pepper.

Last carrots of my garden.

Mix in with some white carrots I found at the store, cut in
nice chunks.

Color, color.....!

This pumpkin will do anything to get in a picture,
it went out the get a flower and put it on.....and now I
have to take a picture....pumpkins!

Cut onion. Cry...a lot. Wipe your eyes and get back to work.

Chop the lovely chantarelle in chunks.

Cook onion in a little oil, throw in the frozen peas,
cook until peas have melted, throw in the chantarelle
and previously cooked chicken. Add pepper, salt,
chick boullion and a dash of cream.
Cook until looks good enough
to eat.

Cauliflower has had it´s steam and is looking refreshed.
(she´s so vain!!!)

Looking good Ya´ll!!!

Yummy, yummy in my tummy! Now that´s color! Once



Lets talk!