Friday, February 24, 2012

Veggie lunch.


One of these days I´m going to have to stop doing this
blog, since all I really want to eat is this, owen veggies.

Something must be wrong about them....nothing this good
can be good for ya!!!!!

Colors to die for!

I also had a real need for...

Spinach and carrot juice.

Been thinking about it for weeks and finally...

Dug out my old good juicer and went for it.

Water is filling my mouth....what kind of vitamins is one
lacking if they NEED to have this. A & K?

A real housewife of Seattle would have tought to save this for
a soup.... I did not...but will next time!

Had a hard time waiting to get a picture.

Aaaannd gulped it down, it was really good too! Does
not look so good, but was really, really good :-0

 Took out beans from the freezer.

They are fully cooked so just a rinse and heat up.

Done and oy, they smell so good!


Drizzle a little cheese.

Syömään! (come eat!)  as we say in Finland :-)


  1. Voiko enää kauniimmin uunijuureksia valmistaa? :-) Upeaa! Sulla on tosi tehokkaan näköinen mehupuristin, ei jätä liikaa kuitua jälkeensä. Mulla on mehupuristin ahkerassa käytössä viikonloppuisin, mutta on harmillisen "sotkuava", eli jätettä jää paljon ja aina ei ehdi siitä ylijäämäkuitua hyödyntää.

  2. Kiitos Satu, olivat hyvä myös! Tuli huono omatunto, kun piti língota roskiin nuo "jätökset", olis aivan loistavaa soppa-ainesta. Pitää ensi kerralla laittaa
    vaikka pakkaseen.


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