Friday, January 13, 2012

Italian sausage and miracle noodle.

I am a very suspicious person.

I keep surfing the net for some negative comments about
this shirataki/ miracle noodle issue. So far I have found nothing
more than that it gives some people mild tummy ace....
In fact there are reports that the incredient in this "pasta" can
be good for you. But, but it´s just too good to be true!
I can have my pasta AND eat it too!!!!!!!! NO calories
people! Does it taste just like real pasta, no, not quite. But
when you put the sauce are having that pasta eating
feeling just fine. I still have not fed it to the kids, they can have
the real thing, but now when they have pasta, I don´t have to
mope around with a string of hay coming out of the corner of
my mouth. Also, I have had no tummy issues at all with it.

I will just enjoy it then and stop worrying.

Italian sausage, onion and hubbard squash. Add spices and salt to
your taste. Cabbage in the end, so it won´t get too soft, a little

Drain, rinse, cook for a couple minutes.

Bon appetit!


  1. Do you already have that much natural light? Your photos are so full of light! I try to use flash, but so novise in that...

  2. On good days and in the middle of the day, yes that´s the light :-) I also use lamps in the kitchen, it´s pretty dark. They have those bulbs now that look like outdoor light. AAAnnndd I sometimes add even more light in windows photo gallery.

  3. Onko nuo Shirataki-noodelit siis riisinuudeleita? Mikä niissä aiheuttaa vatsaväänteitä?

  4. Satu, ne on tehty jostain tämmöisestä juurikasvista:

    Shirataki comes from the root of a plant (Amorphophallus Konjac, or a few other closely-related species) grown in various parts of Asia, and given many names in different places, including Konnyaku potato (or just konnyaku), konjac, konjaku, elephant yam (although as far as I can tell, they are not related to any other plant commonly called “yam”), and others. The fiber is also known as glucomannan.

    En tiedä miksi ne joillekin mahavaivoja aiheuttaa... ilmeisesti aika paljon kuitua??mulla ei ollut mitään ongelmia.

  5. Vaikuttaa ihan kelpo tavaralta, joskin aika tärkkelyspitoiselta. Olisi kiva saada tänne Suomeenkin eri vaihtoehtoja pastalle. Toki tätäkin saattaa löytyä jostain etnisestä kaupasta.

  6. En yhtään osaa sanoa löytyykö Suomesta, täällä sitä pitää vielä tilata netistä, tofuversiona löytyy jo kaupoista.

  7. Oliko hyvää italian sausagea vai liian voimakkaasti maustettua?

  8. Oli hyvää, ostin tarkoituksella tuota mietoa, ei ole kiva jos suu palaa syödessä. Tuosta tosin ollaan montaa mieltä, mun mies tykkää, että on tulista, minä en yhtään :-)


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