Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Who knew!

I bought some big mushrooms so I could start testing
how I like them best...well,  got amazing results first try!!

These four were in the owen broiling for 5min each side and
then I cut them in four pieces.

Dropped them in egg and then whole wheat flour/
almond flour mixture.

Ready to hop on to the skillet with some butter...

Whole wheat pasta is boiling.

Pinenut seeds are roasting in the -after mushrooms-
heat of the owen.

In to the blender: pinenut seeds, basil, avocado, olive oil,
lemon juice, pepper, salt and parmesan cheese.

Mix the pesto with the pasta, eh` voila!

Add some veggies.

MMMMMMmmmmmmm...... Boys thought the mushrooms
were some kind of meat! They had a great texture and
tasted great, pasta was fab, but then pasta always tastes good....
pesto did not hurt!

Now one must go and relax on the couch like this:

Till we meet again :-)

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